Alternative Endings - Daisy path - image by Annette Lees.JPG

Complex landscape
fresh ideas
simple pathways

Carving a simple pathway through complexity

Alternative Endings is an experienced and trusted guide for navigating complex landscapes and partnerships. We support you through strategy development, operational planning, programme design, evaluation frameworks and leadership development.

We ask powerful questions, provide break-through thinking and help generate fresh ideas, transforming your impact and effectiveness.

By aligning you and your organisation to your purpose, your values, your people and your world, together we can unlock your potential so you can flourish and grow.

Alternative Endings catalyses solutions to complex problems for government, iwi and hapū, not-for-profit organisations, community initiatives and collaborative partnerships.


E hī ake ana te atākura
He tio, he huka, he hauhunga
The red dawn comes
with a sharpened air, a touch of frost,
the promise of a glorious day.

Alternative Endings - whakatauki - image by Annette Lees.JPG